Galleries > Mary Corker > 25 Images
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Mary Corker

These photos were extracted from a series of email messages sent
by Mary Reardon to Mary Ellen between September 14 and October 7.
They gave her enormous joy and uplifted her spirits in her final days.
Select a photo to see the caption. Thank you Mary.

My Sweet, Im sending along a photo of this cute little Corker Classic you gave us, and ....
One with a little twist I gave it, called “Hello Sailor”.  Hope you like it.  Love, Your Mary Corker.
To what he looks like while doing his exercises to keep in shape. Yes, that is steam coming off his head. Love, Mary.
Hope you’re not experiencing too many downsides from the radiation. Just in case laughter really is the best medicine, I’ve modified the elegant Nutcracker again from this:
Hope it helps your morning.  Let me know how things are going, if you can.
Thinking of you this morning, and wanted to let you know that our gentleman is berating himself for having those two extra pieces of pizza. Love, Mary.
Here’s the Cheerleader saying, “Give me an M!….” for you getting home today. I’m sure that will be a step up from your hospital bed.
Yes, our friend has found a friend of his own. They’re very happy. Good luck with your specialist today.
Well, it was bound to happen.  Our gentleman is now as wealthy as you are with friends.
Here’s one of our gentleman just after washing his hair and not being able to do a thing with it. We think about you by the minute.
Our gentleman seems to have acquired a red nose. We don’t know whether it’s a late summer cold or an allergic reaction to his bunnies.  Time will tell.  In the meantime we’ve got in some extra Kleenex stock.
Our little guy was busy all night collecting fur from his Angora bunnies for a nice, warm sweater (not as easy as you’d think) - and  he’s going to need it as the evenings are getting cooler.  Hope youre nice and toasty.
Great news! The allergy symptoms are under control and our gentleman  feels well enough to take the bunnies out on maneuvers.  They are surprisingly easy to get into formation. I guess because they know everyone loves a parade.
All of those games of fetch finally paid off, and our gentleman finally managed to tame the little terrier enough to use it as his mount while riding to the bunnies (a Nutcracker variation on riding to the hounds).  They chase a carrot which makes the whole activity pretty low key and manageable - until the bunnies get the scent of the carrot, of course.
Here’s one of the little guy feeding a tropical bird that was blown off course in this rain storm we’re in the middle of. If it eats enough beads we think it will be able to wind itself up and hop back south before the weather turns colder.
Last night was a meeting of the Merry Corkers so today our little gentleman, who goes everywhere with us in spirit, felt kind of like this today.
Our little gentleman has found a new friend. She’s a lively little terrier that loves a good game of fetch. You’d like her a lot.  I’m working on her getting my slippers for me.
I came home today to find our little friend busy checking out new Nutcracker fashions on the internet. Looks like no one’s immune to online shopping.
It was so warm today that I thought I would treat our gentleman to a refreshing dip.  He was thrilled!  It was off with his hat and into the pool in a flash for a few backstroke laps.  I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of this before as corks and liquid seem to be made for each other. He dried off nicely and his hair just bounced back!
You’ll be happy to know that our friend has been awarded the Hennessey Place Medal for Best Bird Betterment.  As you can see, by the level of his hat off his head, he was completely taken off guard by this award being accorded to him so unexpectedly.  His adopted bird is still waiting for better weather to hit the trail, although I	suspect that it’s growing accustomed to the easy food and may decide to stay. Enjoy!!
When a local cow noticed that a pair of wings got special attention it went whole hog, so to speak.  Our gentleman decided that any quadruped that would go to such lengths for a meal deserved one.  Got to love him.
Here is our little guy showing off the results of his gardening project. Not bad, eh?  I’ll have to get his advice on shrubs.
Things have busy for the little guy. Most of his day was taken up  with keeping the bunnies from the tasty shrubs.
By bedtime he was just tuckered out and, Lord knows, he has to get some rest so that he can start planning his packing for the trip to Vancouver on Saturday.

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